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About Us


The Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club of Boston is the 11th Chapter of the National Association of Buffalo Soldier and Trooper Motorcycle Club (NABSTMC). We are part of the Northeast Frontier. We are NOT a 1% club. We claim no territory. Formed in July of 2000, eighteen original members met with the NABSTMC to ask permission to form a chapter in Boston. The BSMC Boston, Ma. Chapter is one of only three historically black named motorcycle clubs in Boston. The club shares a passion for riding our motorcycles together throughout the United States and Canada.


We are a group of black professionals who strive to promote safe motorcycle touring and other motorcycle related activities. All of our members are expected to educate themselves and their communities in the history of the Buffalo Soldiers and set a positive image for our youth, as well as provide a variety of services to our local communities.

Original Members & First Probies

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